Working Groups are collaborative working tables where our members meet to generate value. Coordinated by a Chair, the working groups develop projects and ideas, white papers, participation in national and international fairs, missions abroad, networking and dissemination events, and participation in tenders. 

1. Digital transition, skills and job quality 

This working table contributes to Clust-ER’s participation in the Talent Committee, established by Emilia-Romagna region, thus fostering dialogue and collaboration with local institutions. An important part of the work involves support in the reconnaissance activities of training needs and educational offerings, ensuring that the needs of the labor market are adequately mapped and that educational offerings are aligned with these needs.
Additionally, the table is concerned with analyzing and exploring new and emerging professions in the tourism supply chain, preparing a document that brings together reflections and considerations on this topic. This document serves as a guide to better understand the trends and transformations taking place in the tourism sector. 

Finally, the table promotes participation in projects and partnerships both nationally and at the European level, with the aim of expanding development and innovation opportunities in the sector.

2. Green transition, efficiency and redevelopment

The working table focuses on the development of joint activities with Clust-ER BUILD aimed at energy efficiency and redevelopment of buildings in coastal areas. It also provides support for the Clust-ER’s participation in initiatives to establish the regional blue economy forum. An additional goal of the table is the promotion of projects and partnerships at the national and European levels in order to foster development and innovation in the sector. 


3. Slow and regenerative tourism development

The working table is also dedicated to supporting Clust-ER activities on the theme of slow tourism, with a special focus on hiking and mountain tourism. Simultaneously, it promotes projects and partnerships at the national and European levels, aiming to encourage sustainable development and innovation in the tourism sector. 

Other Clust-ER

I Clust-ER della regione Emilia-Romagna sono parte del progetto Clust-ER promosso da ART-ER e sono finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna - POR FESR 2014-2020.

I Clust-ER sono finanziati dai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna - POR FESR 2014-2020 e con risorse del Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione FSC 2014-2020.